Thursday, August 18, 2016


9 months.
Never in a million years did I think I would make it to this post. Why? because this past month has been flipping hard. (Just being real yall)  

Current weight: 19lbs (27th percentile) 
Birth weight:5lbs 12 oz
Current height: 29 inches (77th percentile)
Birth height: 19.5 inches
I have a tallllll skinnnyyy boy yall. also see that 77th percentile? greatest. thing. ever. Tenley has never been over 30th percentile so I was shocked when I saw that! Lets talk about weight for a second..hes a skinny little boy at only 19lbs but already weighs over half of what Tenley does (29lbs). Tenley didn't even hit 20lbs until she was a year old!! sooo im considering this a big improvement.
anyyyways back to what I was saying about Braxton this past month.
8 months was hard.
8 months was teething....lots of it.
8 months was yelling.
8 months was screaming a new high pitched shriek.
8 months was fighting sleep.
8 months was refusing food.
8 months was learning he could pull my hair.
8 months was extra clingy and refusing to be set down.
so yeah its been a fun month.
whats new???
  • B now has 6 teeth!!
  • He can pull himself up and cruises around when holding on to furniture
  • He VERY rarely stands up by himself for a few seconds until he falls down
  • We have developed a whole new meaning to the word 'vocal' hes learned how to scream shriek. and will do it everytime I try to go out in public. I swear this kid acts like I gave him coffee right before I go to a store because as soon as I walk in anywhere he starts acting crayyy. I pretty much refuse to take him out in public anymore.
  • he gives the BEST kisses ever to make up for the screaming though. and he does it on demand. "bubbbyyy give me some sugas" and you better believe ill have the biggest sloppiest kiss right on my cheek.
  • He ADORES Tenley. No one can make him smile like she does and I pray that never changes! And he follows her around like a puppy. Its hard to believe in a few months I will have TWO kids running around the living room.
  • What is self play? what is independence? what is free time? this kid wants to be held constantly and cries everytime I put him down. not only that but he grabs my leg and squeezes it so I cant move and I have to pick him up. smart kid.
  • we are still in size 2 diapers...ill probably move up to 3 after I finish this box of diapers and wears 6 months shorts (sometimes 3 months depending on which store) and is in 3-6 and 6 months onsies. annnd ofcourse I put him in 9 month and 12 month shirts occasionally just because I like oversized tshirts with certain pants.
  • sleep is amazing! he normally goes to bed around 9:30 and wakes up at 7:30!
So that's pretty much our life! Im having so much fun cuddling and spending time with this little boy even if he does scream and pull my hair until i want to cry! Oh and im also 3 months away from throwing a birthday party for TWO kids! The party planning has already begun...well if I can pick a theme because I have about 4 in mind haha. Heres to hoping 9 months is easier and more relaxing than 8!


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tenley Update

I feel like lately (as in once or twice a month) my posts have been all about Braxton and his milestones that I haven't posted about Tenley lately! So here is a well deserved post alllll about her.
First of all this girl is two.
Some days she will try and trick you and tell you shes three but nope. definitely two.
terrible twos?
what is that?
I got reallllly lucky and have the most laid back easiest two year old in the world.
"please, thank you, and excuse me" are normal things that I no longer have to ask her to say. Occasionally ill hear a "yes maam, no maam" and the other day she called me 'young lady' and I just about melted.
This little girl doesn't know a stranger when it comes to seeing other little kids and refers to everyone her age as "friend" *be still my heart* and is the biggest helper in the world. She LOVES helping with laundry, cooking, and occasionally ill get lucky and she cleans her room for me.
She can count to 15.
sing <kinda> her ABC's
sing happy birthday AND sorry by Justin beiber
chants: lets go Rangers! when baseball is on tv
and can whip and nae nae.
what more could I ask for?!
Im pretty sure this girl is determined to play every sport in the world. The other day she told me "momma I love soccer" oh and she wants to play baseball too. The moment shes old enough to sign up for dance im signing her up because this girl dances like nobodies business. We have dance parties every morning and I have no clue where this girl gets her moves from but shes definitely got some. We started summer gymnastics and she FINALLY likes it. It only took two months and a screaming meltdown in the middle of class for her to finally like it. no big deal. Now she requests me to spot her every night on my bed so she can do her flips.
augh I just love this girl.
Tenley takes her role as big sister VERY seriously. Sometimes shes a great help and sometimes I think im going to go crazy because my bossy two year old is telling her 8 month old brother to "go away bubby. You cry too much" yep. its great. But she really does love her brother! If you haven't seen my instagram pictures just go check them out here: @alexalongoriaa all those pictures of her obsessing over her brother and reading to him and cuddling with him are things I walk into every day. Sometimes I have to get on to her for hugging him too hard because I think she is going to smoosh him but her reply is "mommy I love him SO much!"  it definitely makes up for the times she screams at him for playing with her toys and chewing on them. Lord help us if bubby starts chewing on Peppa Pig or Doc Mcstuffins because the way she freaks out you would think the world was ending.
If you run into us in public and my daughter is in completely mismatched clothes and wearing a workout headband, a bow, and her "abbey cadabby" shoes....she dresses herself now. honestly I get really lucky and consider it a great day if we can agree on an outfit for her to wear. Oh and don't even get me started on her light up frozen themed crocs...