Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Braxton's room.
My absolute favorite room in our tiny little apartment. I fall in love with it every time i walk into the room. There isn't anything fancy with it but its an actual nursery! The first 3 months with Tenley I lived at my moms so I wasn't ever able to set up a nursery with her but now that we have an apartment the whole pregnancy was spent decorating this one room!
 I worked with a few etsy stores to customize the banner and sign above his bed and I absolutely LOVE how it turned out! I cant wait till the day we get a house and can actually paint the walls and his little room will look so much more put together.

 This little rocking horse is the same one that we found in Canton HERE   !

 One of my favorite parts of the room is on top of his little bookshelf! One of my good friends who just happened to be working in the nursery while Braxton was in the NICU gave me a frame of his footprints while he was still in the hospital.
1. It took everything in me not to cry when she gave it to me
2. Its probably my most favorite/meaningful gift
3. Ummm do you see how HUGE this 34 week old babys feet was?!?!?!
Not only that but beside the frame is the cutest little box filled with Peter Rabbit stories! Its near and dear to my stepmom, Sara's, heart and I wanted to make sure it was put in the perfect little place in his room!

 My dad remodeled the cutest little rocking chair for his room!
 "I love you forever ill like you for always as long as im living my baby youll be"

I had so much fun making these name blocks and my best friend, Jessica, painted all the signs in his room!Braxton received the cutest little Cowboys beanie baby from my Aunt Barbara and it put the finishing touch to his room! While im not a die hard Cowboys fan, this little man will be if he knows whats goof for him!
We have seriously been blessed with the most amazing family and friends and Im so thankful for everyone who helped make our little boys room complete!
Up next for decorating: My room...sorry Tenley, you have too many toys in your little room that I completely give up trying to decorate it. But hey! Atleast you like it! 

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