Friday, February 19, 2016


This sweet boy has been in my life for a short 3 months and I cant imagine life without him!
Birth weight: 5lbs 12oz
Current weight: 11lbs 8oz
Birth height:
Current height:
As of right now, Braxton eats 5oz every 3 hours! Im still breastfeeding but having to supplement with formula since my milk supply is starting to slow down but im starting to take this pills more that will hopefully bring it back! Next month, we can start baby food but depending on how my milk supply goes depends on if we will start it or not!
These next few days we will get this sweet boy sleeping in his crib! Normally, Braxton sleeps through the night but with all of us having a stomach bug its messed up his sleep schedule where he will wake up once or twice at night. Once I get him back to normal sleep schedule he will be sleeping in his own room! He takes about 3 naps a day now lasting anywhere from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours!
This little boy has been extra active lately! He enjoys being propped on his boppy and playing with his toys on his playmat! He also loves playing with the toys on his carseat! Put him on his tummy for tummytime though and things start to get crazy! He HATES tummytime so we have tummy time about 5-6 times a day but for only a few minutes at a time. Tenley absolutely LOVES taking out every. single. toy.
in his room and playing with him while he sits in his bumbo chair! Braxton smiles the whole time but you can definitely tell his sister overwhelms him a bit!

SO many new things have come this month! Smiles 100xs more. Talk 100xs more. Don't even get me started on that laugh....
Teeth are starting to come in. two back molars are s l o w l y starting to show as well as two in the front. 4 teeth total and he is only 3 months?! I will admit he is a trooper though, he hardly fusses but does want to be cuddled by his momma and only his momma. Did I mention this boy is 100% a mommas boy??? He will let other people hold him for about 15 minutes or so then the fussiness comes until hes back in his mommas arms. I secretly love that he loves his momma so much but it will be interesting when I have to go out of town in a few days and will be leaving him for the first time. Ill only be gone for a few hours and im terrified of it. This momma does nit like leaving her babies!
We have started working on rolling over and while he hasn't mastered it we just practice it during tummy time. Im not too worried because I know when hes ready he will do it and its still pretty early for him to start rolling around anyways!


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