Here we are...month 4 and this little man is growing like a weed.
remember when he was 2 days old, hooked up to wires, and looked like this?
and now here he is, 4 months later, as happy and healthy as can be!
Birth weight: 5lbs 11oz
Current weight: 13lbs 10oz (24th%)
Birth height: 19.5 inches
Current height: 25.25 inches (63rd%)
99% of the pictures I take and put on social media Braxton is smiley and happy and yall, hes really that happy all the time. He wakes up every morning with the biggest smile on his face and it stays on his face for the most part of the day. I a b s o l u t e l y love it. He has everyone around him wrapped around his finger..including his big sister that I was so nervous at the beginning would never get used to him.
Tenley and Braxton are obsessed with each other. Its probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. When Tenley is in the room, Braxton's eyes stay locked on her. Tenley definitely plays the mommy role and im constantly hearing:
"mommy bubby so cute!"
"Bubby he the best bubbbbbbby"
"bubby here toy. play bubby"
augh. just plain precious.
Braxton is still getting supplemented with formula and eats about 6 oz every 3 hours. Dr. Wiley informed me that I can start with baby food and mashing up and pureeing our food just to get him used to the textures and tastes. Honestly I probably wont start for a few more months. With Tenley I was sooo excited for the next step and constantly saying "i cant wait till shes eating adult food" "i cant wait till shes walking" "i cant wait till shes in a forward facing carseat" and now that I realize how fast it all goes by, im definitely taking my time with Braxton and slowing things down. I plan on making all of his baby food (Shea and I are starting to eat healthy and workout again) so why not buy tons of healthy food for us and just feed it to Braxton too?
Braxton sleeps from 9-9:30pm to 7 am. Its the greatest thing ever. We started a bedtime routine once he turned 3 months and after about two days of doing it he was sleeping through the night. (ill be doing a blog post of that later this week) While I hate waking up anytime before 9am, im loving my alone time with our bubby. Once he goes back down for a nap after he eats, I try and do a devotional, clean the house and watch tv that I never get to watch anymore.
Thanks to Tenley, Monsters inc is the only thing on our tv nowadays.
Braxton is tracking right on time in his development. He smiles, laughs, and talks all day and holds his head up like a pro! I absolutely love it. Right when he turned 3 months he started rolling and it was probably the best moment of the month. He scoots his little hiney around the house when I have my hands pressed to his feet so we can try to work on crawling. Its the cutest little thing. I attempt to put him in his Bumbo play seat but right now he currently hates it. He is doing so great though and im so happy with how far he has come! I cant wait to see what this month has to bring!
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