Sunday, June 26, 2016


99% weekends are lame in our house.
I work weekends and the kids stay with my mom and by the time I get off there is normally not much time to have fun with the kids.
thats the basic weekend routine when I get off.
This weekend was the exception! I only worked Saturday which meant I had a fun-filled Sunday with my family + kids!
Friday was fabulous and hot. We started off our morning cuddling in bed for as long as possible and I got to capture the perfect little pictures of Tenley reading her bible to her bubby. This child has been allllllll about Jesus talk lately.
"mommy jesus died and hide in the rock!"
"threeeeeee days momma then he come back!"
seriously can it get any sweeter than 2 year old Jesus talk?! i didn't think so.

Later in the afternoon we picked up my little brother, Trey, and went to the zoo to get the kids out of the house. Bad idea because it was hot as hades but Tenley had a great time so it was worth all the sweatiness.

the monkey literally just walked right up to Tenley. At first I thought it just loved her until I realized it just wanted the chicken nugget in her hand...

Then this child fed a giraffe for the first time. You would've thought this kid won a million dollars with the smile on her face.
Saturday was work from 9-5 and not one. single. picture. was taken sooo theres that.
Sunday definitely lived up to the "sunday funday" saying.
We started off celebrating my sweet cousin-to-be Bailey (even though ive considered her family forever!) at her bridal shower! The party was completely beautiful and Tenley is so excited to be the flower girl!

Tenley ate a cupcake and everything was perfect in her world...until I tried to take a picture

We headed back to my moms house and B and I took a much needed nap while Tenley and my family went out for dinner!
We finally headed home and the kids watched Zootopia while I watched WAGS (my reality tv obsession is a problem) and did laundry! It was such a fun weekend and im so glad I got to spend it with my family!

also, I saw this sweet saying on instagram and it was definitely something I needed to hear so I thought id share it on here!

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