Thursday, June 23, 2016


I cant believe it. The last time I blogged Braxton was 4 months and SOO much craziness has gone on in this little world of ours! So heres a little catch up of the milestones prior to 7months!
teeth: we have one little tooth!
crawling: 6 months and we had a crawler! The cutest little crawler you ever did see.
eating: 6 months and we started food! His favorite so far is avocados. Its also his messiest choice.

clearly we are not lacking in nicknames for him
This little man has only been in my life for 7 tiny months and I don't remember my life before him! He literally completes this little family of ours and is wrapped around mine and Tenley's finger. The first thing Tenley does every morning is go find Braxton and give him the biggest hug possible. I have to tell her a million + 1 times a day "Tenley give softer hugs! You're gonna smoosh him!"  At 7 months hes the tiniest little nugget you'll ever meet. Wearing size 2 diapers and still wears 3 & 3-6 month clothes. I prayed and prayed for a chubby little baby when I was pregnant and I got the complete opposite and honestly im so glad I did. Ill just squeeze and cuddle with this tiny little baby forever.
2 days after we turned 7 months we started sitting on our own (I honestly thought the day would never come) Braxton can also crawl and is totally caught up in his age group and im so proud of my little man. Especially since he was born so early and I was told he will most likely be behind in a few things.


At Braxton's 6 month appointment Dr. Wiley and I talked about introducing him to foods/juices. I stalked Pinterest (my go-to for everything) to look at different options for feeding him before the appointment so I had TONS of questions for him. I was really interested in BLW (baby led weaning) which is pretty much giving your kid whatever you eat instead of baby food. With baby food, the baby just learns to swallow until you get into thicker kinds then eventually learns how to chew. With BLW, you give them <soft> foods that way they learn to chew then swallow like we do. I loved that idea but I was so confused on how the heck my kid was supposed to chew foods when, at the time, he didn't even have a tooth. Dr. Wiley informed me their gums are totally capable of mashing foods down so they can swallow it! So here we are: 7 months old and obsessed with food. He is
 O B S E S S E D with avocados (guacamole too!) eggs*, and occasionally eats small bites of ground turkey whenever I make turkey burgers! We are avoiding juice right now but im sure he will be introduced to it in the near just not quit ready for it yet!
*eggs should be avoided until they turn 1 due to being a major food allergy and I definitely recommend holding off on them until they are older buuut he stole Tenley's breakfast one morning and ate her eggs and is not allergic so now eats them all the time!

From day 1 Braxton has been an amazing sleeper and nothing has changed! Bedtime is 9:30 and he wakes up every morning between 7:30-8. Occasionally I get a few mornings where he wakes up before 7 and he eats and we both end up taking a small nap. Braxton takes about 3 naps consistently: 1 in the morning for about an hour or so and 2 in the after noon which only lasts about 30-45 minutes and 99% of the time the moment we put him in the car hes out for another nap!

This boy has stolen my heart and I could not be more obsessed with him! So hopefully these next few weeks will be filled with blog posts now that im back in a normal routine!



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